Reinstatement - Harold Vasquez

This is where former members of the Department can attempt to file a request for reinstatement to the department.
Harold Vasquez
Posts: 2
Joined: 27 Feb 2024, 20:25

Reinstatement - Harold Vasquez

Postby Harold Vasquez » 29 Feb 2024, 16:54

Fire Chief
Image10 Palomino Way
Palomino Creek, SA


Section I: Personal Information

1.1: Full Name: Harold Vasquez
1.2: Previous Rank: Fire Chief
1.3: Previous Badge Number: UNK

1.4: Type of Termination: Resignation
1.5: Reason for Termination: Retirement

Section II: Motivational Information

2.1: Why do you want to return to the Red County Department (min. 50 words): I wish to return to the Red County Fire Department as I have recently come out of retirement due to a shortage of experience pre-hospital providers. Returning back to the area I got my start in will be beneficial to my mental and physical health rather than staying where I'm currently located.
2.2: If brought back into the Red County Department what do you think you can change or make better (min. 50 words): I believe I can use my prior experience to improve the services currently offered by the department. I understand that the job done by department members is often tough and taxing on all levels. Educating the public to implement preventative measures can help ensure that an undue burden is not placed on the agency.
2.3: Why should we consider swearing you in as a member of this Department again, and what can you bring to us as a Department (min. 100 words): Given my vast experience I feel as if a strong consideration should be made to swear me back into the department. I spearheaded the medical system within the county in the past which resulted in quicker transport to tertiary centers for critically ill patients. Alongside that, I implemented several policies to improve employee wellness and ensure department members had adequate access to mental healthcare. Finally, I implemented Incident Management policies based on NIMS which was used during several large events impacting the county. As a result of all this and more I am more than qualified to be sworn back into the department and will bring a plethora of knowledge with me.

(( Section III: Out of Character Information ))

3.1: What is your current time zone: GMT -6
3.2: Server Forum Profile: ACCESS
3.3: Please provide a picture of your /stats: ACCESS (( Stats not for the character I'd be playing on but as I was involved in something I couldn't leave to switch, if you want other stats just let me know. ))
3.4: Please provide a picture of your admin record: ACCESS
3.5: Why do you want to come back to the faction on an out of character level: Left before the server shut down and as it looks like the faction could use some experienced assistance I figured I'd pop back in.

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Wallace Mundell
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Re: Reinstatement - Harold Vasquez

Postby Wallace Mundell » 29 Feb 2024, 18:46

Fire Chief
Image10 Palomino Way
Palomino Creek, SA


Dear Mr. Vasquez,

The Line and Chief Officers of the Red County Fire Department would like to thank you for submitting a request for reinstatement into our Fire Department. We ask that you please allow us at least forty eight (48) hours prior to inquiring about a status update to your request processing. Thank you for your patience during this time!

Best Regards,
Fire Chief Wallace Mundell
Red County Fire Department
Executive Management, Fire Headquarters
Red County Fire Department — "In Service of Others"

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Wallace Mundell
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Re: Reinstatement - Harold Vasquez

Postby Wallace Mundell » 01 Mar 2024, 13:04

Fire Chief
Image10 Palomino Way
Palomino Creek, SA


Dear Mr. Vasquez,

The Line and Chief Officers of the Red County Fire Department have deliberated upon your request and are happy to inform you that we have decided to accept your request for reinstatement with the offer of FIREFIGHTER II. If you accept this offer from the Officers of the Department then reply to our email promptly!

Best Regards,
Fire Chief Wallace Mundell
Red County Fire Department
Executive Management, Fire Headquarters
Red County Fire Department — "In Service of Others"

Harold Vasquez
Posts: 2
Joined: 27 Feb 2024, 20:25

Re: Reinstatement - Harold Vasquez

Postby Harold Vasquez » 01 Mar 2024, 14:28

(( Unfortunately since filing this request I've had some renewed concerns about the factions standards. It's currently not something I wish to be a part of. Apologies for any time wasted and best of luck. ))

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Wallace Mundell
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Re: Reinstatement - Harold Vasquez

Postby Wallace Mundell » 01 Mar 2024, 14:54

Executive Management, Fire Headquarters
Red County Fire Department — "In Service of Others"

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