Firefighter Trainee - Justin Ochoa [DENIED]

Thomas Schofield
Posts: 6
Joined: 26 Jan 2024, 06:15

Firefighter Trainee - Justin Ochoa [DENIED]

Postby Thomas Schofield » 18 Feb 2024, 15:31

Fire Chief
Image10 Palomino Way
Palomino Creek, SA



A1: Title: Mister
A2: First name: Justin
A3: Middle name(s): N/A
A4: Last name: Ochoa

A5: Contact number: 6302409
A6: Contact email: [email protected]
A7: Date of birth: 13/2/2000

A8: Nationality: American
A9: Are you legally able to work in the United States?: Yes
A10: Criminal record link:


B1: Highest level of education achieved: High School.
B2: All current qualifications:
  • - High School Degree
B3: High school attended: Jefferson Highschool (Los Santos)
B4: University attended (if applicable): N/A

B5: Are you still currently in employment?: N/A
B6: Company name: Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
B7: Contact number: Undisclosed.
B8: Contact email: [email protected]
B9: Job title: Deputy Sheriff (Bonus I)
B10: Job duties: Working as a full-time Peace Officer around the Los Santos County and ensure the safety of it's citizens.

B11: Do you currently hold a National EMS Certification?: Yes


C1: Why do you wish to join the Red County Fire Department? (Minimum of 100s words): I would like to join the Fire Department because, after my sudden discharge from the Sheriff's Department, I've entered into a very bad stage of life. My discharge was barely explained and all I remember was getting an email informing me about the discharge and waking up tomorrow knowing that my day in my station would be my last day. I've been suffering from that incident ever since, I tried to get job positions at Security Firms but I couldn't maintain my them due to the incompetence of such firms and their extremely inactive nature, I tried to work in private businesses but I just couldn't fit in and I couldn't find the right job that will help me to stabilize my life after the sudden discharge until one day, I was instructed by an LSFD employee who informed me about this department and the great benefits that comes from working in it.
I'm extremely desperate for a job and my life depends on this application, poverty was sneaking into my life and I couldn't even handle my bills after losing my job in the Sheriff's Department, getting a position here will help me to fix my life as a whole and considering that I've done nothing but public service for the last three years. I'll be able to handle myself here perfectly as I'm aware of how the radio procedures work and how to handle certain situations due to my past experiences in the LSSD.


I, Justin Ochoa, certify that all information submitted within this application is valid and true to the fullest extent of my knowledge. I certify that the entire application was written and completed by myself with no assistance from anybody else. I understand that, if it is found that any information is false, forged, fraudulent or otherwise invalid I may be blacklisted from the Red County Fire Department based on the severity of the invalidity of the information. I understand that copying any other application is prohibited and doing so will result in my blacklist. I understand the intensity of the Red County Fire Department fitness test and I have fully prepared for it before submitting this application. I also understand that if any injury is acquired within the test, it is due to my lack of preparation rather than the supervisor's lack of ability or experience. I promise to put every ounce of effort that I have into the department for the benefit of the State of San Andreas and anything other than such will result in my forced departure. I will attend my interview, fitness test, academy sessions and any subsequent scheduled events, courses or training sessions promptly and punctually. If I don't, I understand that I may be removed from the department due to a lack of trustworthiness to fulfil scheduled event attendance. I understand that the department has protocols and I promise to learn and adhere to them strictly and without failure. If I do fail, I will be punished accordingly but will not let such punishment affect my abilities as a firefighter. I understand that I am able to gain rewards within the department but promise to never ask for such rewards. I also understand that those who receive rewards are worthy of such in the eyes of superior ranks and will not hold jealousy over such employees. I promise to never hold a grudge with anybody in the department and if one begins to develop I promise to approach a supervisor with my concerns in a professional and formal manner. I understand that I will be under probation for the first year (( two weeks )) of my career where I will be more susceptible to receiving harsh disciplinary action, however, I promise to put in the same amount of effort regardless of any underlying effects including my probationary period. I promise to never misrepresent the department in any way and I understand that doing so will result in my immediate removal (( both IC and OOC )). I also understand that I may be removed for any reason deemed suitable by a superior and, if I feel as though a removal is unnecessary, I will take it to a person with a higher ranking inside of the department such as a Chief through a disciplinary hearing, but I promise to not attempt to appeal any decision made against me without the usage of the disciplinary hearing system. I pledge my utmost loyalty to the Red County Fire Department and Fire Chief WALLACE MUNDELL, as well as the rest of Line Officers and Chief Officers.

By signing below, I agree to all of the terms above.


F1: Master account name: MrGrimm
F2: Red County Roleplay forum name: Executioner69
F3: Real age: 20

F4: Screenshot of adminrecord via User Control Panel ( DO NOT EDIT THE SCREENSHOT:
Spoiler: show

F5: Explanation of any punishments on the prior screenshot: It happened due to a weird altercation in Montgomery as I was attacked by some trolls IC'ly but I attacked them back without realizing that it's a safe zone, learned my lesson and never done it again and as for the kick? It's just that the 911 command was bugged and I used it without noticing. I apologized to the admin regardless and it ain't a big issue.

F6: Are you part of any other factions? If so, which?: None

F7: Level 3+ Character (/stats):

F8:Additional Comments: N/A[/font]
Last edited by Thomas Schofield on 19 Feb 2024, 10:44, edited 4 times in total.

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Joseph Huffman
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Re: Firefighter Trainee - Justin Ochoa

Postby Joseph Huffman » 18 Feb 2024, 17:08

Fire Chief
Image10 Palomino Way
Palomino Creek, SA


Dear Mr. Ochoa,

Thank you for taking the time to submit an application for employment with the Red County Fire Department! We are currently reviewing your application and discussing it among ourselves. Please allow at least forty eight (48) hours prior to inquiring about further replies to your application.

Best Regards,
Joseph Huffman, Training Officer
Recruitment and Training Division, Red County Fire Department

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Joseph Huffman
Battalion Chief
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RC-RP Forum Name: Blue

Re: Firefighter Trainee - Justin Ochoa

Postby Joseph Huffman » 19 Feb 2024, 16:28

Fire Chief
Image10 Palomino Way
Palomino Creek, SA


Dear Mr. Ochoa,

Thank you for applying for the Red County Fire Department. Unfortunately, after a discussion amongst the Recruitment and Training Division, we have decided to DENY your application. You may apply during the next recruitment cycle. We are not obligated to disclose denial reason(s), however, you may email us if you wish to inquire.

Best Regards,
Joseph Huffman, Training Officer
Recruitment and Training Division, Red County Fire Department

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